Fish Farming

What we Do for our children's, represent Micro World definition of health

Fish Farming Project

Fish Farming Project to Supply Meat

vision for the Underprivileged

our project approach

We plan to supply food, school resources and materials through our agriculture projects but we need your support.

MWAHEO is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty by providing quality education to underprivileged communities. We want to utilize sustainable cocoa farming projects to fund our operations while engaging students, youth, and the wider community in educational initiatives aimed at self-reliance and empowerment to avoid dangerous ways of moving overseas to seek greener pastures.



We aimed at providing food for the underprivileged community school children through the agriculture project. 


One of our major target is to provide school material, tools and facilities infrastructural development.


To ensure educational equality, we want to bridge the technological gap by providing computers.

Fish Farming

Fish is one of the major staples of West Africa, but mostly in Ghana. Fish is prepared in different styles, tastes, and fashions. These days, with different types of fishing mechanisms, with the blessings of rivers, lakes, marshes, and ponds, coupled with good weather and building materials, it would be very easy to get into fishing provided there is some financing. Luckily you are available to offer assistance. 

Fish in all its various forms.

Growing up, the memory of having participated and worked in this atmosphere remains indelible in my mind. I have waded through lakes, rivers, ponds, and marshes looking for fish any way we could to alleviate hunger. Growing up, staple foods had mostly been available. What was hard to come by, of which we hardly got enough as children had been meat (protein), especially fame and fish.

Fish Harvesting

Leader Designer

I followed my family to the river sides where we netted fish, set basket traps, used hook and line, and sometimes used local herbs that paralyzed fish but were harmless to humans. Applying the herbs made it easier to catch fish as it slowed their usually swift movement through the waters. I remember there was another fishing method we engaged in, daming. We would block a section of the water with palm branches, first wading through to herd the fish to where we could restrict their movement. This narrows the space to search. Walking foot-to-foot through the water armed with baskets enabled us to haul a few available fish, crabs, etc. Fishing of all types in my village was a form of competition among different families. Sometimes family A may come empty-handed. The beauty of it was that, in such a case, family B or C which were lucky, would then part with some of their rewards with those who could not get anything or much. Men would, therefore, come home to their families proud and with heads held high. Coming home empty was deemed less dignified. 

What will you do to support the poor child?

With a little capital, we could procure nets, hooks, traps, baits etc. to be distributed to those students who might want to get into fishing as a career after graduation. We could also develop ponds with each pond containing one type of fish, be it Tilapia, Catfish, or fingerlings of all types.

Fish preparation

We Need You

Support our Fish Farming Efforts

The fish farming business is not only lucrative, it affords some of our students the opportunity to establish a career after graduation.

These days, where graduates are roaming the streets and jobs are hard to come by, American Beacon Academy envisages a 5-year program to make our final-year students marketable vocationally and technically. It is with much optimism that they may not have to be roaming the streets looking for hard-to-come-by jobs. They would graduate equipped with the requisite experience in a specialized type of vocation that they would not have to beg for.

enhance your community

Together It's Possible


Fish Farming

our work

gallery grid

In poverty-stricken areas, the euphoria, the sheer joy and gratitude to God for having made it possible for some harvests are evidenced by either singing, dancing or facial merriment and genuine appreciation. The level of joy could sometimes be directly proportional to the volume of fish caught.